Product Description
Corrugated and solid fiber board boxes are subjected to compressive forces when stacked and during transportation. It is vital to determine the Compression Strength of the Box in order to make sure that the Box will be able to resist the anticipated compressive forces and to determine the load that the Box will be to withstand during transit and storage. This equipment is designed to measure ability of the container to resist external compression loads during transit and storage. Compression Strength Tester also serves as a useful index of overall quality of the material and workmanship of the Box.
Are you looking for the best Box Compression Strength manufacturers in India?
Are you searching for the top Box Compression Strength Tester exporters in India?
Are you looking for leading Box Compression Strength Tester suppliers in India?
MTech Instruments is one of the best Box Compression Strength Tester Deluxe Model manufacturers, exporters and suppliers in India. We manufacture Box Compression Strength Tester Deluxe Model then export and supply to USA, UK, Canada, Singapore, Australia, UAR, Dubai, and European Courtiers (France, Italy, Germany, Spain, etc.) at affordable prices.
Suitable for Testing as per following Standards. IS 7028 (PART VI)-
1973 7028 (PART IX)-1975 TPPI T-8040 om-89 ASTM
D 642-90 Features: Force: A precision load cell is used
to measure the applied forces and alinear transducer measures the test
sample deflection. Construction: The construction is of
?A? frame type. Crosshead Assembly:
Motor driven ball
screw, for fast and accurate operation,
the crosshead assembly. Power Pack:
The power ack and all the controls are
in a separate cabinet, and both are
Micro-processor Based.Salient Features:
? Direct Digital Readout of compression
strength. ? Available in capacities:
0-1000 kgf & 0-2000 kgf. ? Peak and hold
facility provide. ? Testing speed:
Minimum 10 ? 5 mm/minute. ? Provision of
faster speed for approach and return to top
of specimen. ? Provision for termination of test
at pre-selected load.